Inclusion starts with a conversation
Ctrl Alt Del Conversations are workshops aimed at ignite conversations about what inclusion and accessibility looks like for future generations. What started in 2024 as a summit for the Tech Industry, has now evolved into workshops for Secondary School students to explore how their ideas for inclusive innovation can change the world. Our workshops focus on putting power in the hands of the future generation to build the kind of world we all want to live in.

"Gen z have a strong moral compass tied to fairness across issues like climate change, racial justice, and LGBTQ+ rights. Although they consider themselves broadly happy, they believe the UK is deeply unfair – but believe that progress is both necessary and achievable."
- Channel 4 Report: Gen Z Trends, Truth and Trust
Why are we doing this?
" We created Ctl Alt Del Conversations as a way speak directly with young people about inclusion and innovation. Our organisation TECwomen CIC has worked to fight gender inequality within tech, engineering, and creative digital spaces for years, but we know that is only one inclusion conversations. We wanted to open up the topic further and ask young people what areas of inclusion they care about and want to fix. Our workshops empower them to explore their own ideas on what an inclusive future could look like, while also teaching them important skills like user centred design, team work, and pitching their ideas. This is also the first workshop we've run for all genders, brining our work to a while new audience"​

Caitlin Gould
Founder of TECwomen CIC and Ctrl Alt Del Conversaions
Ctrl alt del conversations is currently a pilot project being run for year 9 students across 8 schools in Cornwall. The team are looking for opportunities to extend and expand these workshops. If you are interested in bringing Ctrl alt del conversations to your school or community please get in touch. We are also looking for funding to be able to carry on these impactful conversations.

The Team behind the dream
Ctrl Alt Del_ is run by TECwomen CIC as a part of the Cornwall Festival of Tech run by Tech Cornwall. TECwomen CIC is a non-profit based in Cornwall running award winning programs to help more girls, women and marginalised groups find their place in the technology, engineering and creative sectors. Please get in touch if you are interested in supporting what we do or just want to know more about our work. Email info@tecgirls.co.uk and we will get back to you shortly.

This project is part-funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. Cornwall Council has been chosen by the Government as a Lead Authority for the fund and is responsible for monitoring the progress of projects funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.